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Simona Capuano

I love to create times and spaces that combine the deep world with the lightness of discovering and playing, through the mediation of objects, the use of creative materials, the accompaniment of world music, musical instruments and objects that come from my travels .

Everyone can explore the potential that dance offers to give glimpses of new discovery until reaching a dimension that becomes contemplative, in which what is welcomed and witnessed is sacred, caressing the mystery of which we are a part.

Here dance becomes deep meditation and a gaze that unites the encounter between the personal world and what is beyond comprehension, in an experience with a profoundly transformative potential, giving us the gaze of an explorer and the tenderness of a child, in the encounter with him.


arts therapies, deep ecology, body and earth, body and earth, experiential anatomy, body mind centering, Laban, Mind Body Connection, Body Mind Connections, psychodynamic expressive therapy, unconscious, dance of the depths, creative process, transformation, evolution, care, time for oneself, dance, therapeutic dance, dance therapy, creative writing, artistic materials and techniques for personal well-being, contact with nature, wild, wild, rewilding, circle, group path, dance and meditation, sacred, contemplation, communion with nature, research, body, interculture, women, menarche, mother and daughter, wild side, yurt, retreat, immersion in nature, contact with elements of nature, forest, dance for the elderly, creativity dance for children, scholastic support anti-dispersion, mother-child couple, storytellers, music from the world, authentic movement, spontaneous dance.

I  chose to dedicate  time  and  space  to the dance of  care,  since  in  it  I meet  every time  a source  of  inspiration  and  support  renewed,  of  listening  and  dialoguing  that  they surprise me,  of  comfort  and  vision  that  animate, I log in a  time  where trough meeting  me  I can meet  the other,  and  transit  the distance  that  separate  the one  and  the other,  in  a choreography  always  new. 

My approach

I conduct workshops on body and movement in nature by supporting and promoting evolutionary processes and the development of one's own creative and healing potential, exploring their deep ecological values.

Adults, children, the elderly, classes, local communities… Dance Movement Therapy is for everyone!

It is not necessary to know how to dance: here dance is what spontaneously emerges and flows from one's inner world, the chorography of emotions, the authentic narration of the body, the path rediscovered towards one's soul

Simona Capuano

arti terapie, ecologia profonda, corpo e terra, body and earth, anatomia esperienziale, body mind centering, Laban, Connessione Mente Corpo, Body Mind Connections, terapia espressiva psicodinamica, inconscio, danza del profondo, processo creativo, trasformazione, evoluzione, cura, tempo per sé, danza, danza terapeutica, danzaterapia, scrittura creativa, materiali e tecniche artistiche per il benessere della persona, contatto con la natura, selvatico, wild, rewilding, cerchio, percorso di gruppo, danza e meditazione, sacro, contemplazione, comunione con la natura, ricerca, corpo, intercultura, donne, menarca, madre e figlia, lato selvatico, yurta, ritiro, immersione in natura, contatto con elementi di natura, foresta, danza per la terza età, danza creatività per bambini, supporto scolastico antidispersione, coppia mamma bimbo, contastorie, musiche dal mondo, movimento autentico, danza spontanea.
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