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Danza Movimento Terapia

La DanzaMovimentoTerapia® è una modalità specifica di positiva ricerca del benessere e di evoluzione personale, nonché possibilità di trattamento di una pluralità di manifestazioni della patologia psichica, somatica e relazionale.

La DanzaMovimentoTerapia® si è sviluppata nel continente americano, in Europa e in altre parti del mondo, diversificandosi in una pluralità di modelli e orientamenti teorici, tecnici e applicativi. 

Nel nostro paese le prime esperienze, sin dall'inizio presenti anche in ambito istituzionale, risalgono agli anni settanta.

Da quell'epoca molta strada è stata percorsa ad opera di numerose associazioni e scuole di formazione.

La DanzaMovimentoTerapia® , che si collega idealmente ad antiche tradizioni nelle quali la danza era un mezzo fondamentale nelle pratiche di guarigione, ripropone negli attuali contesti clinico-sociali le risorse del processo creativo, della danza e del movimento per promuovere l'integrazione psicofisica, relazionale e spirituale, il benessere e la qualità della vita della persona.

Nel  tempo  della  danza,  curato,

custodito  e  testimoniato,

ritrovo  la  via.


Applicazioni e contesti

Associata di frequente con altre forme di cura, la DanzaMovimentoTerapia®  trova applicazione nel trattamento di numerosi disturbi psichiatrici:

dalle psicosi ai disturbi d'ansia e dell'umore, dalle malattie psicosomatiche ai disturbi del comportamento alimentare e alle tossicodipendenze.

Al di là della dimensione terapeutica e riabilitativa, la DanzaMovimentoTerapia®  esprime anche competenze e tecniche rivolte allo sviluppo delle risorse umane, alla prevenzione del disagio psicosociale, alla formazione, al lavoro educativo.

Nei più diversi contesti pubblici e privati (centri diurni, unità riabilitative, comunità terapeutiche, centri socio-educativi, ospedali, studi professionali, carceri, scuole, consultori…), la DanzaMovimentoTerapia®  ha trovato terreno fertile per un lavoro basato sull'unità mente-corpo-relazione incontrando immediatamente il bisogno di salute della gente.

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Dance/Movement Therapy: Authentic Movement

Dance/Movement Therapy: Authentic Movement

"The body is the home of feeling; the house of memory. To heal, we need access to it." ~ Tina Stromsted, Ph.D., MFT, LPCC, BC-DMT In this ADTA Talk, Tina Stromsted shares how "Authentic Movement helps us recover forgotten, denigrated and repressed aspects of the self [that] remain buried until conditions are nurturing enough to allow them to surface and grow." Stromsted eloquently describes the process of Authentic Movement, the relationship between mover and witness, and how Authentic Movement is used clinically in dance/movement therapy. To learn more about the profession of dance/movement therapy, please visit _______________________ Tina Stromsted, Ph.D., MFT, LPCC, BC-DMT is a Jungian psychoanalyst, board certified dance/movement therapist, and somatics educator. She was co-founder and faculty member of the Authentic Movement Institute in Berkeley (1992-2004) and a founding faculty member of the Women’s Spirituality Program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Currently, she teaches at the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, the Depth Psychology/Somatics Doctoral program at Pacifica Graduate Institute, and as a core faculty member for the Marion Woodman Foundation. With 40 years of clinical experience, and a background in dance and theater, Stromsted teaches at universities and healing centers internationally, and has a special interest in the creative process, neuroscience, eco-psychology, and embodied spirituality. Developer of Dreamdancing, Embodied Alchemy, and Soul’s Body Center, her numerous articles and book chapters explore the integration of body, brain, psyche and soul in healing and transformation. Her work supports individuals in listening for the soul’s call, and working with obstacles to its fulfillment ~ a process that can assist women and men in re-inhabiting their bodies, reclaiming their instinctual wisdom, and nourishing their authentic sense of self. Her private practice is in San Francisco (
An Introduction to Dance/Movement Therapy

An Introduction to Dance/Movement Therapy

"Movement is a basic form of communication that provides us with opportunities for socialization, the development of community and the experience of expressing our aliveness and our innermost thoughts and feelings." - Nana Koch In this ADTA Talk, Nana Koch, board certified dance/movement therapist, licensed creative arts therapist and award-winning educator, introduces the viewer to the profession of dance/movement therapy, its history, and describes an approach to group work. Nana Koch, Ed.D, BC-DMT, LCAT, NCC, LPC, CMA is a board certified dance movement therapist, licensed creative arts therapist and educator. Nana studied with pioneering dance therapist Liljan Espenak in one of the earliest courses she offered at Flower and Fifth Avenue Hospital/Mental Retardation Clinic. Since Espenak’s passing, Nana has been the sole practitioner teaching her system of psychomotor therapy. She has worked with a range of clinical populations including children and adolescents with developmental delays and adolescents and adults with affective disorders, psychosis and/or addictions. Additionally, Nana has taught dance/movement training courses in New York, Costa Rica, India and China. Currently, Nana is an Associate Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Health, Physical Education and Movement Science at Long Island University-Post. She is the former coordinator of the Hunter College Dance/Movement Therapy Masters Program, the former Chair of the American Dance Therapy Association's (ADTA) Sub-Committee for Approval of Alternate Route Courses, the former chair of ADTA’s Credentials Committee and she was a member of ADTA’s Approval Committee (for graduate coursework). She is now on ADTA’s Alternate Route Educators Subcommittee. Nana is the author of several dance therapy articles appearing in the American Journal of Dance Therapy. Additionally, her interviews of three dance/movement therapists formed the basis for the dialogue used in the film produced by the New York Chapter of ADTA entitled "Moving Stories: Portraits of Dance/Movement Therapy" available here: In 2012, Nana was awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award by the American Dance Therapy Association. In 2011 she was honored with the Amazing Person Award from the Higher Education/Professional Preparation Section of the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. In 2009 she was named Higher Education Teacher of the Year by the Nassau Zone of the same organization. To learn more about dance/movement therapy, please visit the American Dance Therapy Association website:
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